Switching to a Mediterranean Diet Brings Numerous Health Benefits
The Mediterranean Diet Defined
The Mediterranean diet features a high intake of monounsaturated fatty acids from olive oil, a high intake of fruit, vegetables, beans, nuts, cereals and fish, a moderate intake of alcohol and dairy products, and a low intake of red meat. Overall, the diet provides a total fat content of 25% to 35%, with an unusually low intake of saturated fat that accounts for 8% or less of energy
Risk of Heart Attack, Stroke, Cancer, Type 2 Diabetes – May Be Reduced With Mediterranean Diet
This way of eating was previously found to lower the risk of heart attack, stroke, cancer and type 2 diabetes, but
Eczema in Children – Lower In Mediterranean Area
What is less well known is that the Mediterranean way of eating - full of anti-inflammatory fish oils, monounsaturates and antioxidants - is also good for the skin. As a result, around 1 in 5 children throughout Northern Europe suffer from atopic eczema, compared with just 1 in 20 in Mediterranean countries. It may also protect against the development of melanoma - a highly malignant form of skin cancer.
Live Longer with the Mediterranean Diet
In fact, following a Mediterranean diet is so good for general health that it appears to prolong life. When researchers looked at studies investigating high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer and obesity, they found that people who reported eating foods consistent with the Mediterranean diet were 10% to 20% less likely to die over the course of these studies, from any cause, than those who did not follow this way of eating .
A Diet Good for Your Health & Your Skin
To obtain the skin and other health benefits of the Mediterranean diet, aim to eat more:
- fruit, vegetables and beans
- nuts and seeds
- wholegrain cereals/bread
- olive oil
- fish
In addition, eat low to moderate amounts of dairy products and poultry, have only a little red meat, eat eggs four times a week (or less), and consume wine in low to moderate amounts.