Woman Magazine Tips Yin Yang Skin Renew For Younger Skin
Sun Induced Wrinkles & Outbreaks of Pimples
Just out, Woman Magazine’s Diet Special is running an article about new products for younger skin. Any regular readers of Skin Science Reporter’s columns on skin and sun, or our expert commentary on acne, will recognise that Abby Knight - Health & Beauty expert - is totally on top of her subject, “Skin today breaks all the old rules – we can get sun-induced wrinkles at 30 and suffer breakouts at 40” she writes in the introduction to her article.
Holistic Skincare
Ms Knight concludes that “99% of the signs of ageing are down to the effects of sun, pollutants, poor diet and stress”. This chimes with the holistic approach to skincare which we take at Yin Yang Skincare: what you eat, how you live, your stage of
Recommended In Woman Diet Special
Skin Renew from Yin Yang Skincare is recommended in the Woman Diet Special for “restoring the balance of menopausal skin”. As oestrogen becomes depleted in the skin after menopause, so skin density and the integrity of the supporting collagen suffers: skin is highly responsive to oestrogen. Skin Renew contains