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Katie's Letter -

The new decade started for me with 20 inches of snow and temperatures almost minus 20 degrees and as I live remotely and 500 feet above sea level, it was a challenge. This was combined with an extremely busy and exciting time for Yin Yang with many plans for the year ahead. Yin Yang Returns to Holland & Barrett First on the agenda was the return to the top 150 Holland & Barrett shops, the culmination of  many months of work, which has come to fruition in the Month of February. Although Yin Yang has been back on these High Street shelves...

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Katie's Letter -

It is the time of year when we think of the traditions of the holly, ivy and the mistletoe – all from many ages past. Quite a number of my holly bushes are covered in berries this year. The one at the front southwestern corner of my house usually carries berries, of gradually deepening hues for 365 days of the year – it is truly amazing. Holly is a tree which is useful for its compact wood, much prized by cabinet-makers for inlay work.  It has a history of legend right back to pagan times. The Romans sent gifts decorated...

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Katie's Letter -

Plant of the Month - The Elder (Sambucus) The elder is an extremely tenacious plant with an ancient history related to carpentry, witchcraft, catering, music, entertainment and healing.    As it is tenacious, we have been rather severe in pruning ours in the past but for the last couple of years,  have been more lenient and it is  now all around me and covered in the lovely black berries of Autumn. These berries are a known source of Vitamin C in the plant kingdom. It is such a versatile plant being famous as part of delicious jams, jellies, wines, beverages, puddings and cakes. Elder flowers have been...

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Katie's Letter -

Plant of the Month - Witch Hazel (Hamamelis Virginiana) The Witch Hazel is a large shrub, native to eastern North America and usually found growing in woods. The common name arose from the plant’s association with witchcraft and the use of its forked branches as a divining rod in the search for water and gold. It has a long history of use among the American Indians. Decoctions were made from the leaves and twigs and applied to aching muscles, bruises and sprains but, significantly, it was also used to relieve tired eyes. You will find witch hazel in Yin Yang Skin Cleanser, Orange Flower...

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Katie's Letter -

Plant of the Month - Lavender My herb gardens are all awash with the lavenders that are such a central part of English summer. The generic name is thought to derive from the Latin lavare “to wash” because the Romans put Lavender into the bath water for its aromatic and therapeutic properties. Due to its antiseptic properties, it has been recognised for centuries as a strewing herb amongst clothes to protect them from destruction by moths, and in rooms to deter flies and mosquitoes. Modern research has shown that the medicinal properties ascribed to lavender are well-founded scientifically. The essential oil extracted...

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