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Katie's Letter -

Plant of the Month - Lavender My herb gardens are all awash with the lavenders that are such a central part of English summer. The generic name is thought to derive from the Latin lavare “to wash” because the Romans put Lavender into the bath water for its aromatic and therapeutic properties. Due to its antiseptic properties, it has been recognised for centuries as a strewing herb amongst clothes to protect them from destruction by moths, and in rooms to deter flies and mosquitoes. Modern research has shown that the medicinal properties ascribed to lavender are well-founded scientifically. The essential oil extracted...

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Researchers are now finding increasing evidence that nutrition can have a profound effect on skin health Nearly 90% of us will be troubled by acne at some time in life; most frequently but not exclusively, in adolescence. Researchers are now finding increasing evidence that nutrition can have a profound effect on skin health. Although it is widely claimed that acne is not linked with diet, intuitively it seems right that eating a healthy diet might improve the symptoms of acne. It is becoming increasingly clear that poor nutrition can make symptoms of acne worse.  But worry not if you are...

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Taking Care of Your Skin -

2009 continues to be one of our hottest recent summers. Although, I have always advocated the use of our Orange Flower Spray as part of the essential Yin Yang Cleansing routine, this week I have truly appreciated the lushness of the product’s extra special qualities during this heat wave. More than several times during recent days, I have sprayed Yin Yang Orange Flower Tonic all over my face, neck and arms. The essential oils and fine plant ingredients, which have traditionally moisturised and rejuvenated even the finest skin, have also proved a cooling and much needed relief in these high humid temperatures.    The spray, which is...

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Katie's Letter -

Plant of the Month - The Sweet Orange Mid-summer just past and the fruit harvest is promising to be good this year, apples, plums, pears and figs are all promising a good harvest.   One of my favourite fruits is the Sweet Orange for its cheerful appearance, disposition and attributes. It has been an integral part of Yin Yang for so long that the orange seems part of the family. It smells delicious, has the right pH and is anti-depressant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, fungicidal but, above all, it is a real tonic. Traditionally in aromatherapy, the sweet orange has been valued for skin...

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Dottie Hook has been the “guiding light” of the charity New Approaches to Cancer for many years. New Approaches To Cancer was started by a group of four colleagues, two doctors and two healers back in 1969, so this year it celebrates its 40th birthday. The founders of New Approaches To Cancer felt it was important to share with as many people as possible the positive experience of using “Gentle Therapies” which, combined with supportive counselling, self help groups and dietary advice, have been shown to make a real difference to people going through the experience of cancer. I first met Dottie...

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